Leadership Coaching

Transform Your Life with Coaching

Athletes don’t reach greatness without coaches. Embark on a journey of self-mastery with a seasoned coach. Let me shift your perspective and provide evidence-based strategies for accomplishing your personal and professional goals.

  • Overcome biases and obstacles
  • Balance personal and professional life
  • Achieve your goals

Coaching isn’t simply about gaining insights and taking action, it’s also about having effective methods for measuring progress. Whatever your coaching needs, our holistic approach will address your personal and professional goals. Here’s a small sampling of our most popular coaching topics.

What Todd Can Teach You

THE MINDSET STUDIO – Select a topic to learn more

Let us ease the difficult transition from being a stellar individual contributor to a successful people manager. Our research and work with hundreds of influential leaders allows us to offer tried-and-true strategies for even the most difficult aspects of being in charge. Create a clear vision and lead with emotional intelligence whether you’re delegating work, delivering tough feedback, or facilitating a productive team meeting.

Conflict is healthy and productive when handled well. It allows us to uncover motivations, styles, perceptions, and preferences that we weren’t previously aware of. But conflict can also damage relationships and drastically decrease productivity and civility between two individuals or an entire team, if it isn’t processed and resolved effectively. We’ll show you how you can adapt your style to better collaborate with others when conflict arises. We resolve conflicts between team members, help them develop deeper bonds, and work together more harmoniously.

Are you challenged by nervousness, anxiety, or disorganization? Would you like to be a more charismatic, influential speaker? Schedule personalized coaching sessions with our expert trainers to become a more confident, dynamic, and polished speaker. Prepare to deliver eloquent, memorable, well-organized speeches. We’ll pinpoint the ways you can increase your ability to profoundly impact any audience you speak to.

Change is inevitable. Maybe you’re going through a divorce, grappling with the uncertainty of a career change, or facing a major reorganization in your company. Perhaps you want to lose weight, quit a harmful habit, or breathe life into a stagnant relationship. Whether you’re driving or managing change, we’ll help you develop the courage, resilience, and resourcefulness you need to confidently move through any transition.

“…I am more motivated…”

“Todd is amazing! This exercise really allowed me to recognize my weaknesses and encouraged me to make a change. Even though it isn’t easy to have the conversation, this workshop got me to think of how I could do so in a more appropriate and SAFE way. This is definitely something I still have to work on and it is easier said than done but I am more motivated to practice these skills.”

Jenelle, RN
From Crucial Conversations Workshop