Young Adult Executive Skills Coaching

Support your adolescent or young adult with strategies to improve their executive skills.

Executive Skills Coaching empowers clients in becoming more confident, content, emotionally intelligent individuals. In coaching, we identify and reframe the mindsets that keep us from thriving, create S.M.A.R.T goals that connect us with our ‘why,’ and develop actionable routines and plans for reaching those goals. We develop accountability, perseverance, and a stronger identity in the process!

Set Up For Success

function MORE effectively in our daily lives WITH EXECUTIVE SKILLS

Sometimes even the brightest and most successful academic students struggle with planning and organizing their lives, managing their time, and following through on commitments. 

Family communication can be a challenge at all stages of life. As a coach, I work individually with students and their parent(s) on the mindsets that both prevent and promote warm, inviting, productive communication. Where the mind goes, everything else follows. Communication is the only tool we have to influence a change in thought, belief, action, situation, and behavior.

Coaching for students focuses first on mindset, supporting your student in finding and connecting with their ‘why’, their purpose, and what fills them up inside. We work on generating options for taking a ‘temperature check’ of our thoughts. This helps them develop the skill of ‘pausing’ to find balance when feeling overwhelmed. Your student will work on their morning and self-care routine, set weekly as well as long term S.M.A.R.T. goals (e.g. school, relationships, sports, career, etc.), and determine their action steps as they align their daily life with the goals and values most important to them. Each step of the process is rooted in establishing clear, confident communication, and requires your child to plan, organize, prioritize, problem solve, make decisions, and ultimately take accountability for their life circumstances. We seek to empower!

For parents, coaching is about knowing that your child is being supported in building accountability and a myriad of important life skills rooted in executive functions. They now have support in high school, college, and beyond! This should allow a shift in focus to now determine what role you must play in alleviating the tension that permeates your household. Coaching supports you, the parent, in reframing the relationship with both your child and the situation. We work together to refine your mindset and approach, creating concrete communication strategies for more effective use of body language, word choice, timing, and tone. You will learn how to foster a safe and welcoming communication climate in which your child can thrive. 

Change is inevitable. Maybe you’re going through a divorce, grappling with the uncertainty of a career change, or facing a major reorganization in your company. Perhaps you want to lose weight, quit a harmful habit, or breathe life into a stagnant relationship. Whether you’re driving or managing change, we’ll help you develop the courage, resilience, and resourcefulness you need to confidently move through any transition.

Executive Skills include critical life skills such as:

  • Planning
  • Time Management
  • Impulse Control
  • Self-Regulation
  • Accountability
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility 
  • Empathy
  • Stress Tolerance 
  • Decision Making 
  • Change Tolerance
  • Communication 
  • Decision Making
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Working memory
  • Attention
  • Task Initiation
  • Organization
  • Follow Through
  • Productivity
  • Goal-Directed Persistence
  • Self-Management

This is a goal-oriented service that is predicated on a partnership between the coach and the individual, assisting them in working toward and meeting their personal goals so they grow and thrive. 

We work from three important life buckets: logistics (day to day executive skills), personal wellness (i.e. nutrition, activity and sleep), and self/emotional regulation (control of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors).  Working on all three aspects makes for holistic development of executive skills.

“…I am both more prepared for challenging academics and capable of enjoying myself in the process”

“Working with Todd, I was able to become better adjusted to my environment and learned how to efficiently approach my workload. He created a space where I could go with any troubles I was facing and not expect just a listening ear, but also a solution. Executive coaching helped me stop feeling overwhelmed by my work, and subsequently allowed me to create time in my day for myself and the things I love to do. Overall, after my sessions with him, I am both more prepared for challenging academics and capable of enjoying myself in the process.”
